Support for academic coaches

  • 8 Questions to Bring Student Growth

    8 Questions to Bring Student Growth

    As you can probably guess, one of the main aspects of being a responsive educator is knowing your students, and then planning instruction accordingly – but what exactly does this mean? As I work with teachers, after we go through alignment (you can catch that on the next blog), the next question I ask is…

  • 3 Phases of a Crisis – Where are your teachers?

    3 Phases of a Crisis – Where are your teachers?

    So before I jump into the content of this blog, I want to acknowledge that teaching is hard right now. I, in no way, want to negate the difficulties that educators are facing. I do, however, think it’s important that we are always being reflective. The talk that I heard that led to this blog…

  • 6 Ways to Gain Academic Ground NOW!

    6 Ways to Gain Academic Ground NOW!

    It’s no secret that education, and so many of the sweet students in our education system have been seriously affected by the events of the past few years. While there was already a significant achievement gap for a number of our students, that gap has only widened since 2020. No matter your opinion of how…

  • Responsive Teaching Mindset: Setting Up a Physical Classroom Environment for Learning

    Responsive Teaching Mindset: Setting Up a Physical Classroom Environment for Learning

    The year has started! Hopefully you (or your teachers) have already fallen in love with your students! I hope you have the kid that makes you laugh, and the kid that makes your heart bleed, and the kid that is trying to please you so badly. I’m sure you have the kid who is already…

  • Reteach or Refresh? 2 Strategies to “fill the gap” quickly!

    Reteach or Refresh? 2 Strategies to “fill the gap” quickly!

    As the 2022/2023 school year gets underway, the academic gaps that we know have been deepening over the past few years will begin to surface quickly. Out of the goodness of their hearts and their passion for teaching, many teachers will be tempted to want to reteach the entire last year! While I completely understand…